Digitec Galaxus
Met deze extensie creëer je een koppeling tussen je Magento 2 webshop en Digitec Galaxus. Verhoog uw omzet door uw producten te verkopen via dit Zwitserse verkoopkanaal.
Deze plug-in vergemakkelijkt de technische integratie met het Digitec Galaxus-handelaarsprogramma voor Magento-gebruikers. Om producten op dit platform te verkopen, is een voorlopige registratie van een handelaar vereist.
Het aantrekkelijke verkopersprogramma is een kans om een nieuw verkoopkanaal aan te boren! nog niet geregistreerd? Word een handelaar! Zie voor meer details de paragraaf "Deelnemen en verdere details" op de pagina https://www.galaxus.ch/en/page/join-our-merchant-programme-12462
Synchroniseer producten en bestellingen met Digitec Galaxus.
Digitec Galaxus is een grote speler in Zwitserland en we hebben dit product en de orderkoppeling in directe samenwerking ontwikkeld.
- Producten synchroniseren: synchroniseer alleen producten die geschikt zijn voor het Digitec Galaxus-platform.
- Prijs & voorraadupdates: Om middelen te besparen, worden de prijzen en voorraadaantallen bijgewerkt via een afzonderlijk CSV-bestand.
- Bestellingen importeren: Wanneer bestellingen worden geplaatst bij Digitec Galaxus, worden deze onmiddellijk geïmporteerd in Magento ® en de retouren kunnen ook worden beheerd in Magento®.
- Magento® 1 en Magento® 2 samenwerking: Beide versies van Magento® zijn ontwikkeld in directe samenwerking met het Digitec Galaxus-team.
Beoordelingen based on 2 reviews 9
1.9.2, release date: November 12, 2024
- Always set company name on import
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.x & PHP 7.4
1.9.1, release date: October 24, 2024
- Add carrier title to delivery note
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.x & PHP 7.4
1.9.0, release date: August 30, 2024
- Refactored Order Import for better TAX/VAT support
- Bypass set discounts/coupons in Magento on order import
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.x & PHP 7.4
1.8.0, release date: June 12, 2024
- Updates to new UI + loggers
- Added option to skip: "Enable Data Validation"
- Ignore Magento Tier Prices during the import process.
- Refactored previews download from admin
- Make it possible to change the Sales Price including VAT in the ProductStockPricing CSV
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.x & PHP 7.4
1.7.0, release date: January 29, 2024
- Add option to make unique email on order import
- Refactored UI grids
- Refactored Order Mass Actions
- Fix feed generation issue when product_relations is empty
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.3.x & PHP 7.4
1.6.0, release date: September 11, 2023
- Make Category path configurable in the configuration
- Make SalesPriceExclVat configurable in the configuration
- Upped tested versions
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1
1.5.3, release date: May 17, 2023
- Fix cron expression default path
- Upped tested versions
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1
1.5.2, release date: October 13, 2022
- Fix compatibility issue with PHP 8.1 (casting empty value)
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1
1.5.1, release date: June 24, 2022
- Fix parsing of first and lastname on order import
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1
1.5.0, release date: May 30, 2022
- Added 'digitecgalaxus:run-generate-feed' CLI
- Refactored cron savings from admin
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1
1.4.1, release date: April 5, 2022
- Move the crons to it's own cron group
- Make sure the appEmulation is also terminated after an exception (feed generation)
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1
1.4.0, release date: March 14, 2022
- Move to declarative schema
- Make Logger component compatible with Monolog 2.0
- Refactored adminhtml controller (redirect and context)
- Updated tests to also run PHP 8.0 and 8.1
- Skip send track and trace when no orders can be found
- Refactored adminhtml controller (redirect and context)
- Declare visibility on all constants
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.1
1.3.0, release date: November 29, 2021
- Option to disable export of Magento Category tree
- Added support for Magento 2.4.3
- Simplified ORDERRESPONSE xml
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x
1.2.3, release date: August 5, 2021
- Fixed Feed Preview results in Unkown error.
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x
1.2.2, release date: April 9, 2021
- Fixed language saving for properties field
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x
1.2.1, release date: March 30, 2021
- Fixed db prefix in joins
- Add proxy in RunSyncShippingNotes CLI command to fix Area code not set in Magento 2.4
- Overall code cleanup
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x
1.2.0, release date: November 26, 2020
- Shipping notes upload can now also be enabled for CRON
- Possibility to use a CLI command to import the Order XML
- Support for out-of-stock threshold in combination with backorders
- Fixed multi street rows in order import
- Better separation of Company / customer name in order import
Minimum requirements:
- Magento 2.2.x & PHP 7.x
1.1.8, release date: October 7, 2020
- Fixed issue in CONTACT_DETAILS with usage of the "??" operator
- Fixes issue with getting the stock status
- Moved proxy classed to di.xml
1.1.7, release date: June 30, 2020
- Changed dispatchNotificationId logics
- Updated UI labels and comments
1.1.6, release date: June 23, 2020
- Fixed order cron afterSave
1.1.5, release date: May 5, 2020
- New: Added ftp check in admin
- New: Added fallback on shipping address if billing address has non accepted country
- New: Added support for non MSI salable check
- Fix: Fallback INTERNATIONAL_PID to null
- Fix: Added correct cancellation QTY
- Fix: Empty images in feed
1.1.4, release date: January 27, 2020
- Fixed filter on order_id in order grid
- Fixed feed filters
- Removed country mapping
1.1.3, release date: December 16, 2019
- Added MSI compatibility
- Added salable QTY in order check
- Added Order Import CLI command
- Fixed Order Import Cron
1.1.2, release date: October 29, 2019
- Changed category output in feed
- Removed Empty Attribute Values from Properties File
- Process return requests (disabled export of SupplierCancelNotification (GEOLN))
- Cron to delete old Sync Logs
- Removed filter on products & items in order grid
- Fallback to parent category when simple has no categoryIds set
- Fixed XML encoding
1.1.1, release date: June 13, 2019
- Added Liechtenstein to country mapping
- Fix for empty first and/of lastname
1.1.0, release date: May 24, 2019
- Added Weight selection and conversion to grams
- Added Product Pricing formula (surplus and discount)
- Added configurable of TARES and TARIC Code
- Added New field "Product Super Type" (parent_id)
- Added Category export to properties xml
- Added Mandatory Shipping Number (Track & Trace)
- Added support for Multi-Source-Inventory (Magento 2.3.x)
- Fixed VAT hasn't deducted in the SalesPriceExcludingVat - field
- Fixed Cancel Response throwing error
- Fixed Order Import Error
- Fixed Orders for out of stock items
- Changed xml file names
- Switched from FTP to sFTP
1.0.3, release date: March 14, 2019
- Added Passive Mode
- Fixed category export
1.0.2, release date: February 26, 2019
- Added empty Taris & Tarec Code
- Removed thousands separator
1.0.1, release date: February 22, 2019
- Removed tares_code and taric_code
- Fixed global language selection on storeview
- Added skipValidation flag to disable validation when testing
- Category data fallback
1.0.0, release date: May 9, 2018
- First release