Configure the Stock Forecast extension

This is an article from the Stock Value & Stock Forecast extension for Magento 1. We've tried our best in the preparation of this help article. If you do not find the answer you were looking for, you can always send us a message through this form.

Configure the Stock Forecast however you want with the settings below.

Use Cron.
Select if you wish to use the cronjob to keep the stock forecasting automatically.

Decimal Seperator.
Select how you want to seperate the decimals shown in the Forecast.

Number of decimals - Sales.
Select the number of decimals you want to show for the sales table.

Number of decimals - Stock.
Select the number of decimals you want to show for the stock table.

Grid Fields
Select which data you want to show in the grid.

Cost Source.
Select the attribute that you use for the Costs to calculate the right Cost in the Forecast.

Optimal Stock. 
Optimal Stock.
Select how you wish to calculate the optimal stock, based on the previous sales or based on an attribute.

If based on sales: Based on Sales.
Select the time period for calculating the optimal stock.

If based on sales: Based on attribute.
Select the attribute for calculating the optimal stock.

Divide by.
Select a number to divide it by.

Multiply with.
Select if you wish to multiply the stock number.

Sales last 30 days. 
Select if you wish to calculate the sales based on this period. 

Sales last 90 days. 
Select if you wish to calculate the sales based on this period.

Normalize to month.
Select if you wish to normalize this number to month.

Sales last Year. 
Select if you wish to calculate the sales based on this period.

Normalize to month.
Select if you wish to normalize this number to month.

Sales +30 days last year. 

Select if you wish to calculate the sales based on this period.

Sales +90 days last year. 
Select if you wish to calculate the sales based on this period.

Normalize to month.
Select if you wish to normalize this number to month.

1.1. General Settings - Custom Fields
You may use this functionality to exclude the selected attribute from the rapport. 

Set to "yes" to enable this custom field.

Select the time in history of future in days.

Last year - Calculates statistics based on future days
Current year - Calculates the statistics on the basis of the past days


Select the attribute you are using for the Supplier.

You may use this functionality to exclude the selected attribute from the rapport. 

Use Exclude Function.
Set to "yes" to enable the exclude function.

If enabled, select the attribute that you wish to exclude.

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